Days 7 – 10: Burringurrah/Mount Augustus (300 kilometres/4.5 hours) or Mundatharrda/Kennedy Range National Park (60 kilometres/1 hour) from Gascoyne Junction
The choice is yours! If you’re not in camping mode, head to Burringurrah or Mount Augustus. There’s great accommodation and you can easily spend a few days exploring the area during the day and at night. Take a picnic to Yallowerie Lookout. If there’s a small Moon in the sky, you’ll have fun capturing the beauty of the world’s largest monocline under the Milky Way with a camera.
If you are set up for camping, Mundatharrda or the Kennedy Range National Park is a paradise for photography during the day or at night. You’ll be lost amongst so many stars at Temple Gorge.
Overnight: Mount Augustus Tourist Park or camping in Kennedy Ranges with a last night at Gascoyne Junction before travelling to Carnarvon.

Image: Nicholas Cullen Photography
Days 11 – 14: Gascoyne Junction to Carnarvon (175 kilometres/2 hours)
You’ll need a few nights in Carnarvon to soak up the atmosphere. Discover space history at the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum, the Aboriginal night sky at Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre and try your hand at some astrophotography at the stunning Quobba Lighthouse. Gourmet food, culture and heritage await you in this vibrant town.
Overnight: There’s a variety of places to stay. The Carnarvon Visitor Centre will help you out with accommodation in town.
Days 15 – 17: Return to Perth or continue north to Coral Bay, Exmouth and the Ningaloo Coast
Driving times and distances are intended as a guide only and may vary depending on exact route taken. Accommodation options are indicative as to what is available in the area.