Mount Augustus is a two day drive from Perth via Carnarvon or Meekatharra. The park is 465km from Carnarvon via Gascoyne Junction. The 176km road between Carnarvon and Gascoyne Junction is sealed but all other roads in the area are unsealed. Be aware that there are long distances between settlements, supplies and services – this is outback Australia.
From Gascoyne Junction:
Ullawarra Road & Cobra Mt Augustus Road past Kennedy Range National Park: 310kms
Cobra Dairy Creek Road on the Kingsford Smith Mail Run: 288kms (Approximately 40kms sealed road on first leaving Gascoyne Junction on the Carnarvon Mullewa Road)
Landor Mt Augustus Road: 317km (Approximately 40kms sealed road on first leaving Gascoyne Junction on the Carnarvon Mullewa Road and a further 10km before turning onto Landor Mt Augustus Road)
The Loop Drive and all access roads are generally suitable for two-wheel drive vehicles. Drive to the road conditions and obey road closures and speed limits.